Protect Father Christmas: What we should be leaving out for Santa on Christmas Eve

With Christmas season just beginning and the big day fast approaching, it’s important that we all do our bit to stay safe. For the last two years we’ve all been putting our lives on hold to protect the NHS, but at this time of year there’s one person who is even more of a hero to many: Father Christmas.

Last year we got a taste of the devastation that could happen if Father Christmas contracted Covid-19. So this year, it’s down to us as a planet to keep Santa healthy. Christmas Eve is the busiest time of year for him, so it’s more important now than at any other time of year to ensure that we do our big to protect Santa.

As a way of helping Santa, we could take the same approach that we took for the NHS staff: doing his job ourselves so he doesn’t have to. However this could present a risk to public health, as it would mean that millions more people would be visiting public places this winter, which of course can be extremely dangerous. So as a way of helping while simultaneously reducing the burden on ourselves, a good idea would to be to leave more healthy snacks out for Father Christmas on Christmas Eve. Here are some of the suggested alternatives to a glass of milk and a mince pie.



It may be dull, but water is safe. Water is essential for the whole body to function effectively, and Santa Claus is no exception. By ensuring that Father Christmas is able to do is job fully, it means that we don’t have to.



Fruit is always a good option for a snack, particularly bananas. They contain natural sugars that give a healthy boost without the crash that other sugary foods can cause. Plus, who doesn’t like to eat fruit?


Homemade protein balls

This snack requires a little more effort, but think of the bragging rights that it will bring when you post the picture to Instagram or Facebook to signal your virtues. A balanced diet is key so a homemade protein ball would be brilliant for Santa to eat as a snack. You can include nuts, seeds and anything else that you have at the back of the cupboard to make them taste delicious as well as give santa a boost of slow-releasing energy.



December nights are very cold in some parts of the world, so Santa will need something that will warm him up and give him a much needed energy boost at the same time. Porridge is cheap and easy to make too so you can make out you’ve really helped while at the same time not going out of your way at all.


Caffeinated drinks

Caffeine will prevent Santa from feeling as tired as he may be, but proceed with caution. Drinks high in caffeine such as black tea and coffee will give Father Christmas a boost, but make sure that you check with your neighbours that they aren’t giving him a similar drink, as too much caffeine can cause dehydration and headaches. A good time to check with them would be at 8pm on Thursday night before or after the clap.

So by interfering and having our input on the way in which Santa achieves his goals, we can not only look like better people on social media, but we can also feel good about the fact that we look like better people on social media. Hopefully the big man himself has done his bit and kept up-to-date with his covid vaccines and boosters.



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